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How do health insurance markets work?

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Licensed to Ill

How do health insurance markets work?

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Health insurance reform is one of the most important issues in the United States. It’s also one of the most contentious. Years after Congress passed the Affordable Care Act, feelings are still heated.

In this lesson, students use percents to calculate the value of insurance to people with different health profiles, analyze the insurance market from the perspectives of both consumer and company, and debate the long-term impacts of a range of policies.


  • The expected value of insurance to someone depends on how likely they are to need it and the cost of the services it covers.
  • An insurance company can predict their payouts based on the probability its customers will need services and the cost of those services. They will set prices to cover those costs.


  • Calculate expected value and use it to solve real-world problems
  • Solve real-world problems using percents

Appropriate most times as students are developing conceptual understanding.
Grade 7
Probability & Statistics
Grade 7
Probability & Statistics
Content Standards
Mathematical Practices

Other Grade 7 Lessons