(Old) Mercury Rising

How have global temperatures changed?

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(Old) Mercury Rising

How have global temperatures changed?

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2023-2024 Versions

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How have temperatures changed around the world? Recent years have been the hottest on record. While some see this as evidence of a dangerous trend that merits drastic action, others find little alarming about such fluctuations.

In this lesson, students use periodic functions to compare long-term average monthly temperatures to recorded monthly temperatures, evaluate evidence of climate change, and discuss possible consequences.


  • Climate scientists combine temperatures from around the world to create an average monthly “global temperature” and track it over time.
  • In recent years, the global temperature has exceeded the long-term average global temperatures for most months.


  • Model a periodic phenomena (monthly temperatures) with a trigonometric function.

This complex task is best as a culminating unit activity after students have developed formal knowledge and conceptual understanding.
Algebra 2
Trig. Functions
Algebra 2
Trig. Functions
Content Standards
Mathematical Practices

Other Algebra 2 Lessons