Citizen Math exists to make the world a better place by inspiring young people to develop the problem-solving skills they will need to analyze, discuss, and solve the important issues faced by society.


Citizen Math exists to make the world a better place by inspiring young people to develop the problem-solving skills they will need to analyze, discuss, and solve the important issues faced by society

What We Believe

Schools exist to incubate societies of the future

In today’s world, we have a hard time discussing the important issues that will shape our tomorrow. We have an even harder time doing so respectfully and constructively. School –and math class in particular – can (must!) help students understand how society works and prepare them to be active, thoughtful participants in it. For all of us, the future depends on it.

You can’t bore people into action

Humans are naturally inquisitive, and wrestling with challenging questions is invigorating. However, the types of questions students have historically been asked in math class are mind-numbingly irrelevant – suffocating, instead of stimulating curiosity. Citizen Math was developed to unleash the kind of creativity that solves problems, creates breakthroughs, and compels the enthusiasm required to do so.

Most issues don’t have a right or wrong answer

It’s a complex world. Many questions we face don’t have right or wrong answers, and math is a powerful tool for exploring these issues from differing (but equally valid) perspectives. Unlike traditional math resources, Citizen Math lessons are open-ended. Each lesson compels students to analyze an issue from many points of view and justify conclusions thoughtfully – through mathematics.

Math class should be about real issues

Citizen Math challenges students to think critically and collaborate openly around key cultural and societal issues impacting them today. In the process, this approach builds individual confidence, deepens peer relationships, and more fully readies these young people to actively participate – and make a difference – in the world they will soon inherit.


A world where more young people are inspired and rewarded to think critically about the important issues that face us all.

A society where more children become adults with abilities to solve problems thoughtfully, rationally, and respectfully.

A classroom where students are provided with the inspiration and intellectual stimulation they need to engage with math and society in the ways they must.