(Old) Scalped

Why do concert tickets cost so much?

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(Old) Scalped

Why do concert tickets cost so much?

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Why do concert tickets cost so much? If you’ve bought a sports or concert ticket lately, you may have paid far more than face value. From service fees to processing fees, additional costs can cause ticket prices to skyrocket.

In this lesson, students use percents to describe how much of a ticket’s price goes to various parties -- artist, venue, brokers, etc. -- and debate the fairest ways to price and sell event tickets.


  • When you buy a ticket from an online retailer, fees represent a significant percent of the total price.
  • Concerts often sell out when scalpers buy up all the tickets in order to drive up the price of the tickets, which they intend to resell.


  • Calculate and use percents to compare values in a real-world context

Appropriate most times as students are developing conceptual understanding.
Grade 6
Grade 6
Content Standards
Mathematical Practices

Other Grade 6 Lessons