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When it comes to inspiring your students and improving their performance, there is no greater value.

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Want to preview a few lessons first? We share a lesson in each course with our members for free.


Want to preview a few lessons first? We share a lesson in each course with our members for free.


Why choose Citizen Math?

Test scores head in the right direction

In a massive Randomized Control Trial lead by the Urban Education Lab in partnership with 100Kin10, using two powerful multi-day lessons resulted in state test score gains equivalent to reducing class size by 20%. That’s because the Citizen Math approach has been developed, honed, and optimized in real-world, classroom environments – driven not just by how to teach, but by how students most successfully learn. That same trial also found that the low marginal investment to implement Citizen Math makes it extraordinarily cost effective, and its internet-based distribution enables full scalability across any size school district or geographic area.

northwestern university study

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